Water Play
For us here at Pedestrian Space, a smart city is one that (among many other things) plans water play features throughout neighborhoods for youth to engage in cooling, funContinue Reading
For us here at Pedestrian Space, a smart city is one that (among many other things) plans water play features throughout neighborhoods for youth to engage in cooling, funContinue Reading
Interview with Landscape Architect Tina Andersson Here at Pedestrian Space, the central Swedish city of Örebro has been our city of residence since 2018. We have observedContinue Reading
When we first moved to this medium-sized city in the heart of Sweden four years ago, I remember quickly remarking on how incredibly walkable our life had become. FromContinue Reading
TEATERPLAN: Before & After This is a public space in Örebro, our current city of residence, that just underwent a major redesign and renovation. I spent someContinue Reading
Just a few notes and snapshots from our current city of residence…. Our own experience of the city and moving through it informs a great deal ofContinue Reading
Elin Karlsson is a landscape architect for the southern Swedish city of Malmö and project manager of the summer streets in the city. Originally from Jönköping andContinue Reading
Interview with Caroline Tallving, Dryck Vinbar In our continued coverage of Summer Streets in Sweden, we were glad to have the opportunity to interview Caroline Tallving, ownerContinue Reading
Malmö is Sweden’s third largest city and fits the profile of a ’20 minute city’ well. Within the city itself, neighborhoods and various city quarters are easilyContinue Reading
A core part of our vision at Pedestrian Space is to establish this site as a global platform for pedestrian related media and resources. As cities andContinue Reading
In our investigation of Summer Streets in cities across Sweden, we chatted with APLACE store manager Linus Jaxin on the summer pedestrianization of Kärleksgatan in Malmö. HeContinue Reading
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