City Mobility Workshop
W jaki sposób poruszasz się po Warszawie?
Mobility Thought Labs: Warsaw Workshops, Walking Labs & Talks
- 18 June 2023 at noon Spring Walking Lab: Resident-led neighborhood walk in Żoliborz with Bartosz Stępień. Open to public: register on Google Forms here or at FB events here
- 31 May 2023 at 18.00 Walking Lab (pilot): ‘Changes in Mordor’ (Służewiec), Annika Lundkvist & Tomasz Zaborowski
- 21 May 2023 at noon Spring Walking Lab: Resident-led neighborhood walk in Koło with Robert Buciak. Open to public: register on Google Forms here or at FB events here
- 14 May 2023 at 14.00 Spring Walking Lab: Resident-led neighborhood walk in Koneser with Balázs Kovács, meet at Wilenska metro (in front of the Wileńska shopping center’s main entrance). Open to public: Register on Google Forms here or FB events here
- 13 May 2023 at 13.00 15-minute city workshop at Otwarty Jazdów Night of Museums at Jazdów
- 26 April 2023 at 17.00 Lecture by Annika Lundkvist at Politechnika Opolska (Opole University of Technology)
- 23 April 2023 at 10.00 ‘Ghetto Walk‘ beginning at Umschlagplatz Monument on Stawki & Dzika street and ending at Bekef restaurant. The walk will be led by Kevin Demaria, a native New Yorker now living in Warsaw for over 10 years. Open to public: Register on Google Forms here or FB events here
- 22 April 2023 at 11.00 ‘Walkable Urbanism in the Anthropocene‘ Talk & Workshop by Annika Lundkvist at Ośrodek Kultury Ochoty (Culture Centre Ochota)
- 21 April 2023 at 16.30 15-Minute City Workshop by Annika Lundkvist at Faculty of Geography & Regional Studies, University of Warsaw
- 15 April 2023 at 15.00 Urban Mobility Workshop XIII by Annika Lundkvist & talk by Assoc. Prof. Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak on ‘The Heart of Ursynów: the Urban Road project’, which was launched in 2010 and engaged the local community, district authorities organizations and inhabitants. At Ursynów District Office, Conference Room 136. Open to public- please register at the FB event here or at the Google form here
- 14 April 2023 Urban Mobility Workshop XII by Annika Lundkvist for ‘Public Policy’ session at EUROREG, University of Warsaw
- 27 March 2023 15-Minute City Survey Distribution at Wawerskie Centrum Kultury Branch Aleksandrów
- 25 March 2023 Walking Lab (pilot): Public Toilets of the Warsaw Metro System with with Monika Pastuszko (Pole Mokotowskie, Świętokrzyska, Plac Wilsona)
- 23 March 2023 Urban Mobility Workshop XI by Annika Lundkvist for ‘Transportation & Mobility Debates‘ session at EUROREG, University of Warsaw
- 21 March 2023 Urban Mobility Workshop X by Annika Lundkvist for students from program ‘Spatial Economy & Territorial Foresight‘ & ‘Urban Planning‘ at Faculty of Geography & Regional Studies at University of Warsaw
- 12 March 2023 at 12.00 Urban Mobility Workshop IX by Annika Lundkvist at Kamień Pawilon Edukacyjny, Praga Północ (open to public)
- 11 March 2023 at 16.00 Urban Mobility Workshop VIII by Annika Lundkvist at Dom Kultury KADR, Mokotów (open to public)
- 03 March 2023 at 11.15 Talk by Annika Lundkvist & Urban Mobility Workshop VII for course ‘Urban Planning for the Society of Knowledge‘ at MA program ‘Architecture for Society of Knowledge‘, at Politechnika Warszawska
- 11 February 2023 at 11.00 Urban Mobility Workshop VI by Annika Lundkvist at MAL Grójecka 109, Ochota. (open to public)
- 07 February 2023 at 11.00 Urban Mobility Workshop V by Annika Lundkvist for senior group at Wawerskie Centrum Kultury Branch Aleksandrów
- 28 January 2023 at 10.00 Urban Mobility Workshop IV by Annika Lundkvist at Marszałkowska 83/52, HQ for NGO Polska 2050, Śródmieście (open to public)
- 17 January 2023 at 18.00 Urban Mobility Workshop III by Annika Lundkvist at Wolskie Centrum Kultury Obozowa 85, Wola (open to public)
- 6 January 2023 morning Survey Distribution at Szkoła Tenisa Tie Break, Ursynów
- 17 December 2022 at 14.30 Urban Mobility Workshop II by Annika Lundkvist at Ukraina Room, Centrum Wielokultorowe (Multicultural Center), Praga Północ (open to public)
- 12 December 2022 at 18.00 Urban Mobility Workshop I by Annika Lundkvist at Rotary Warszawa, Śródmieście
Workshops include:
- A presentation about the research project
- An opportunity to do project surveys on paper
- A few simple and engaging activities that are meant to generate some thought and dialogue about the daily mobility choices we make (or wish we could make)
- Opportunity for participants who are interested in doing more in-depth interviews about their ‘mobility lifestyle’ later in 2023 to sign up
If your business or organization is interested in participating and hosting me so your team can participate in the survey and activities, please feel free to get in touch at
WORKSHOP I at Rotary Club Warszawa Fryderyk Chopin, Śródmieście
December 12, 2022
Read more about here
WORKSHOP II at Centrum Wielokulturowe, Praga Północ
December 17, 2022
Read more about here
Survey Distribution at Szkoła Tenisa Tie Break, Ursynów
January 6, 2023
Read more about here
Workshop III at Wolskie Centrum Kultury, Wola
January 17, 2023
Read more about here
Workshop III at Wolskie Centrum Kultury, Wola
January 17, 2023
Read more about it here
Workshop IV at HQ for Polska 2050
January 28, 2023
Read more about it here
Workshop VI at MAL Grójecka 109 in Ochota
February 11th, 2023
Read more about it here
Workshop VII at the Course: ‘Urban Planning for the Society of Knowledge’ for students in the MA program ‘Architecture for the Society of Knowledge’ at Politechnika Warszawska
March 3, 2023
Read more about it here
“W jaki sposób poruszasz się po mieście?
Annika Lundkvist, mieszkająca w Warszawie doktorantka IGIPZ PAN (Szkoła Doktorska Anthropos, Polish Academy of Sciences) i założycielka Pedestrian Space, organizuje serię warsztatów, podczas których mieszkańcy Warszawy będą mogli opowiedzieć o tym, jak poruszają się po mieście i dlaczego.
Annika przygotowuje pracę pod kierunkiem dr.hab. Ewy Korcelli-Olejniczak na temat pieszego poruszania się po mieście w kontekście jego zrównoważonego rozwoju i jakości życia. Przy tym Warszawa stanowi tzw. laboratorium, gdzie obserwowane są powyższe zjawiska, w którym dochodzi do konfrontacji różnych grup społecznych i poszukiwane są rozwiązania dla miasta jako takiego.
Warsztaty obejmują prezentację projektu i serię aktywności, które pomogą nam zastanowić się i porozmawiać o podejmowanych przez nas codziennie decyzjach związanych z przemieszczaniem się po Warszawie. W trakcie spotkania będzie można wypełnić ankietę, a także zgłosić się do pogłębionych wywiadów dotyczących poruszania się po mieście. Wydarzenie dostępne w języku polskim i angielskim, ankietę można wypełnić również w języku ukraińskim.”
Feedback from Workshop X for students from programs ‘Spatial Economy & Territorial Foresight‘ & ‘Urban Planning‘ at Faculty of Geography & Regional Studies at University of Warsaw
Workshop XI for ‘Transportation & Mobility Debates‘ session at EUROREG, University of Warsaw
Post by IGIPZ PAN about April 14th workshop in Ursynów
Talk on April 22, 2023: Walkable Urbanism in the Anthropocene at Green OKO, Ośrodek Kultury Ochota
Description: Shifting the mobility paradigm away from the car-centric mindsets, culture, infrastructural priorities & planning that has dominated in so many societies for the past several decades is one of the most critical challenges we as humans face in mitigating the accelerated damages we have caused during the Anthropocene. This talk will explore the role of walkable urbanism as one of the many solutions we need to centralize in response to diverse problems.
Annika Lundkvist is a PhD student at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning IGIPZ PAN (Szkoła Doktorska Anthropos, Polish Academy of Sciences) where she researches issues of urban mobility- particularly related to the psychology behind our mobility decisions, our daily mobility habits and the role of walkability in resilient urban development in the 21st century.