A core part of my work at Pedestrian Space and as PhD researcher at the Anthropos Doctoral School (Polish Academy of Sciences) is visually documenting issues of spatial equity and the city, often through the lens of #walkability.
I loved having the opportunity to share a bit about my work with the Mobilise VUB team (what a great team of researchers working on such an interesting range of mobility themes!) this past week in Brussels as the Urban Transit Lab team (myself and Alan Lacey Raposo) was brought out to launch the ‘Urban Transit Lab Brussels’ program. Thank you Brussels Centre for Urban Studies!
It was a fantastic day at the Mobilise office and on the Vrije Universiteit Brussel campus last Monday, after an exhilarating experience of Car Free Sunday, organized by Bruxelles Mobilité – Brussel Mobiliteit.
I also had a grand and fascinating time exploring multiple inner-city Brussels neighborhoods on foot the following day before heading back home. I value the urban diversity in this city and truly look forward to learning more about the urban fabric- built, social and more.
Until next time Brussels thank you for a wonderful time Mobilise VUB!