Dialogue with Transit Advocate Faith Walker
Dialogue with Transit Advocate Faith Walker Recorded on October 9, 2024 In this dialogue, we discuss: • How Faith incorporates parenting into her transit advocacy work •Continue Reading
Dialogue with Transit Advocate Faith Walker Recorded on October 9, 2024 In this dialogue, we discuss: • How Faith incorporates parenting into her transit advocacy work •Continue Reading
‚Merci de chosir le transport collectif’✌🏽 Thank you for the stickers Société de transport de Montréal! This symbol and message is a sign of support for publicContinue Reading
You really needed to have a car to have a ‚functional life’ so if you didn’t have a car and rode the bus it indicates that somethingContinue Reading
I recorded the following video last week on #TransitEquityDay. I was visiting Southern California, the region I was raised, for the first time in almost 30 years. ItContinue Reading
Transit Equity Day is next weekend in. the USA! How is your local/regional public transit provider commemorating and acknowledging the day? Spread the word!!! Transit Equity DayContinue Reading
💡 I was living in Örebro when I first heard about the 15-minute city in 2020 (and had just started Pedestrian Space activities). I had a lightbulbContinue Reading
As part of my ongoing research here in Warsaw, I’m doing a series of interviews with diverse local stakeholders, ‘city shapers’ and professionals with regards to issuesContinue Reading
RURAL CONTEXT: TRANSIT INCLUSION & EXCLUSION The photo below shows the view from our window about 11 years ago in the Bavarian village of Seubersdorf. I reflectContinue Reading
Last month I delivered what was billed as a ‘power speech’ at the conference in Wrocław on EU Funds & Transport Exclusion in Poland, organized by theContinue Reading
Ok, I’m pretty excited about this. This past week, as I listened to speakers at the Centrum Unijnych Projektów Transportowych, I began to think about the ‘spectrumContinue Reading
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