Car-Dependence & View of Public Transit
If you are primarily car-dependent, what is the main barrier/deterrent to using local public transit in your community? Public transit doesn’t exist?Public transit exists but is notContinue Reading
If you are primarily car-dependent, what is the main barrier/deterrent to using local public transit in your community? Public transit doesn’t exist?Public transit exists but is notContinue Reading
Roundtable: Discussing Mobility Options, Individual Choices & Mobility Identity October 7, 2022 A Roundtable for the Global Walkability Correspondents Network, hosted by the ‘Car Dependence’ working group:Continue Reading
Topic: Car Dependence Roundtable: Discussing Mobility Options & Individual Choices Date: Aug 7, 2022 Network participants discussed & shared: -What the mobility options are in their communityContinue Reading
Great 1st chat with Lorenzo Mele which spanned several topics including centering the user experience in planning pedestrian networks, building physical activity into daily life, biophilic designContinue Reading
Great to have a 1st chat recently with AJ Stewart of @developthewest! He immediately asked us “What is the first step you would take to making aContinue Reading
Peter Norton is an associate professor of history in the Department of Engineering and Society at the University of Virginia and the author of books ‘Fighting Traffic:Continue Reading
One year ago I decided to expand beyond @pedestrianspace as just a social media presence and to establish this website. My initial plan was to use theContinue Reading
2021 was the year was founded. It is a young and growing platform that I am very excited to develop with time In the beginning, I was focused onContinue Reading
“Seeing a few km bike lanes in the centre of Paris was such a stark change that it blinded us from seeing that in suburbs nothing changed.Continue Reading
I established @pedestrianspace (last year) and (this year) as platforms for media, research and advocacy on walkability and sustainable urbanism. I am adding in ‘reduction ofContinue Reading
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