Walkability, Urban Access & Rural Village Life in Bavaria
It was great to be able to share my memories and reflections on walkability, urban access & rural village life from my time living in Bavaria forContinue Reading
It was great to be able to share my memories and reflections on walkability, urban access & rural village life from my time living in Bavaria forContinue Reading
RURAL CONTEXT: TRANSIT INCLUSION & EXCLUSION The photo below shows the view from our window about 11 years ago in the Bavarian village of Seubersdorf. I reflectContinue Reading
Introducing Germany Correspondent Paulina Fried! In January 2022 we launched the Global Walkability Correspondents Network, as a way to build solidarity among walkability advocates around the world andContinue Reading
Introducing our Berlin-based Correspondent Maria Valeria Felix! In January 2022 we launched the Global Walkability Correspondents Network, as a way to build solidarity among walkability advocates around theContinue Reading
Recent video chat with Katja @autokorrektur_katja about her recently published book ‘Autokorrektur – Mobilität für eine lebenswerte Welt‘, car-centric mindsets and systems in Germany (and elsewhere), workingContinue Reading
Excerpt from a recent talk with Katja Diehl, author of recently published ‘Autokorrektur – Mobilität für eine lebenswerte Welt‘ . In this clip, we do a CityContinue Reading
‘Eine schöne Stadt ist eine begehbare Stadt und umgekehrt’ My interview with Peter Neumann, Mobility Editor at Berliner Zeitung, translated by Ingmar Arnold and published in IssueContinue Reading
Medhanit Ayele- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia John Azevedo- San Jose, CA, USA Desiree Azul- Querétaro, Mexico Beverly Baker- Los Angeles, CA, USA Daniella Bonatto- Vitória, Brazil Garrett Brumfield-Continue Reading
In interest to share many and diverse viewpoints here at Pedestrian Space, we chatted with Berlin-based civil engineer Jörg Schneegas about his background as an engineer, contemporaryContinue Reading
“A beautiful city is a walkable city – and vice versa.“ -Peter Neumann We have been following the mobility coverage of Berliner Zeitung’s Mobility Editor Peter NeumannContinue Reading
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