Reykjavík, Iceland Correspondent Tamara Kocan
I now realize that walkability was always in the background of everything I did and I now want to motivate residents in Reykajvík to leave their carsContinue Reading
I now realize that walkability was always in the background of everything I did and I now want to motivate residents in Reykajvík to leave their carsContinue Reading
Medhanit Ayele- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia John Azevedo- San Jose, CA, USA Desiree Azul- Querétaro, Mexico Beverly Baker- Los Angeles, CA, USA Daniella Bonatto- Vitória, Brazil Garrett Brumfield-Continue Reading
Excerpts from a talk with Reykjavík-based sustainability consultant and urban planner Tamara Kocan. Our city rating talks are very much conversational in nature and not meant toContinue Reading
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