Urban Mobility Workshop: Muzeum Szklanych Domów // Wolskie Centrum Kultury

January 17th, 2023 workshop at Wolskie Centrum Kultury in Wola

Participants taking the Urban Mobility Research Survey at the beginning of the workshop

Above, a participant (and also coordinator) for the Urban Mobility Workshop shares about her ‘Mobility Desire Graph’, one of the activities I developed for both workshop activities and my data collection.

I’m interested in not only how people move on a daily basis, but what they would change if given the opportunity and what the barriers (or perceived barriers) are to making those changes.

This part of the workshop was full of storytelling as people shared a range of memories and thoughts connected to various modes.

I’m finding that people really value being able to talk about their mobility habits and experiences when given the opportunity and they have a lot to share!

For my Urban Mobility Workshops, welcoming city inhabitants to discuss their mobility choices, decisions and routines also means welcoming them to share a range of experiences including traumatic ones.

At my 3rd and most recent Workshop, multiple participants discussed experiences of fear related to the road (preventing them, for example, from using cycling as a mode) as well as traumatic memories engaging with drivers who were in the throes of road rage.

The workshops allow participants a space to vent as well as hear the perspectives of fellow inhabitants.

Workshop participants engaging in a mobility word association activity

Post on the FB page for Muzeum Szklanych Domów (January 19th, 2023) about my 3rd Urban Mobility Workshop held on January 17, 2023 at Wolskie Centrum Kultury’s Obozowa 85 location in Wola, Warszawa.

“Dziękujemy uczestnikom za udział we wtorkowych warsztatach “Jak poruszasz się po mieście, a Annika Lundkvist z Pedestrian Space za prowadzenie. Tym, którzy nie dotarli polecamy udział w kolejnych warsztatach z tej serii organizowanych w innych dzielnicach Warszawy oraz wypełnienie ankiety dotyczącej poruszania się po Warszawie: https://pedestrianspace.org/workshops-warsaw/

A tu fragment bardzo miłej wiadomości jaką dostaliśmy od osoby uczestniczącej w spotkaniu: “Bardzo dziękuję za dzisiejsze warsztaty – było bardzo przyjemnie i twórczo. Cieszę się, że jest grono osób, którym zależy na jakości przestrzeni miejskiej. Daje mi to nadzieję (nikłą, ale jednak) na stopniowe zmiany w mieście. Do zobaczenia na kolejnych wydarzeniach. WCK robi świetną robotę – dziękuję za Państwa zaangażowanie.”


Thanks to participants for participating in Tuesday’s “How do you get around the city” workshop, and Annika Lundkvist from Pedestrian Space for hosting. For those who didn’t make it, we recommend attending the next workshops in this series organized in other districts of Warsaw and completing the survey on moving around Warsaw: https://pedestrianspace.org/workshops-warsaw/

And here is a fragment of a very nice message we received from a person participating in the meeting: “Thank you very much for today’s workshop – it was very pleasant and creative. I am glad that there are a group of people who care about the quality of urban space. This gives me hope (nothing but still) for gradual change in the city. See you on our next events. WCK is doing a great job – thank you for your commitment.”

More feedback from the workshop participants:

“I really enjoyed meeting & talking with like-minded walkers. I also am trying to be more active in the community & welcome any opportunity to help.”
Thank you Annika! This made me look at the pedestrian way from a different perspective. That someone on a wheelchair, scooter, or other “tools” have different needs & spaces. Wishing you the best with your project.
“It was so much fun to talk about mobility in public spaces in person. Screaming on Facebook was the only way & was useless. You are doing a great job in Warsaw!” -participant from January 17th, 2023 workshop in Wola

And yes, it feels great to get compliments from locals on the research I am doing in Warsaw! I greatly value being able to create spaces and experiences in person where they feel heard and also able to express and discuss difficult emotions and memories relating to mobility and city space.

“I really enjoyed the workshop. Thank you for spreading awareness about walkability. Looking forward to what comes of the interviews.”
“It was very nice to share our views & experiences about such an important topic. My friends & family are not as passionate about the subject as I am so it was really interesting to listen & be listened to.”

View more about our Warsaw-based Urban Mobility Workshops here