Placement: MA in Film & TV student Yujie on local organic food

In May 2024 we activated collaboration with the University of Bristol, in signing on our first two academic ‘industrial placements’ from the University’s School of Arts MA program in Film and TV.

Yujie is one of two students we have accepted as Industrial Placements, with Pedestrian Space providing mentorship and guidance through their placement period (May 2024- July 2024) and development of their film productions and dissertations.

Read below for words directly from Yujie herself on her placement and work.

-Annika, Founder at Pedestrian Space

I am Yujie NI, a Film and Television student at The University of Bristol, currently interning at Pedestrian Space. I aim to explore how media influences public awareness and engagement, particularly in sustainable development.

During my placement, I focus on the project “From Awareness to Action among the Public: Analysing the Impact of NGO’s Media on Youth Engagement with Sustainable Development in Bristol.” This involves researching and analysing how media influences people’s focus on organic food and sustainable practices. I aim to assess how media content translates into public awareness and action using field research and online surveys. Bristol, recognised as the ‘European Green Capital 2015,’ provides a rich context for this study, highlighting the growing popularity of organic food and sustainable living.

I chose this topic because I am passionate about sustainability and the media’s role in shaping public perceptions and behaviours. By analysing the impact of social media and other media tools, I aim to understand how cities and organisations can effectively spread the concept of sustainability.

During June and July, I will interview and visit diverse farms in the Bristol area. Through photos, interviews, and documentary filmmaking, I will capture diverse perspectives of the public on media and sustainable development. This is just the beginning and I look forward to collaborating with more farms in the future for my work.

-Yujie, June 2024   

Photo of Yujie participating in the Get Growing Trail in June 2024 in Bristol