Social Neighborhood Routes
Do you sometimes take a longer route over a shorter one for a variety of reasons such as there is better shade, better snow clearance, the routeContinue Reading
Do you sometimes take a longer route over a shorter one for a variety of reasons such as there is better shade, better snow clearance, the routeContinue Reading
14 years ago my husband and I were settling into a very small Bavarian village (approximately 5000 inhabitants) in Germany. I didn’t know the term ‘Walkability’ backContinue Reading
Dark winter days are upon us here in Warsaw which fits the introverted phase of organization and analysis of fieldwork data I am moving into as wellContinue Reading
SEUBERSDORF: A RURAL VILLAGE LIFE WITH ACCESS TO CITIES I have piles of journals with ‘notes from the field’ in diverse places I have lived over theContinue Reading
Last month I delivered what was billed as a ‘power speech’ at the conference in Wrocław on EU Funds & Transport Exclusion in Poland, organized by theContinue Reading
“Lowly, unpurposeful, and random as they appear, sidewalk contacts are the small change from which a city’s wealth of public life must grow.” Jane Jacobs ‘The DeathContinue Reading
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