Pedestrianization & Local Economy

In nearly every case study or paper we read on pedestrianization initiatives as well as in interviews we’ve done with municipal leaders, researchers and advocates, there is a trend: some business owners often initially oppose the initiative, despite overwhelming evidence that increased foot traffic can benefit business.

Business owners who initially oppose pedestrianization initiatives are usually concerned that the loss of parking and car access will deter customers.

This view doesn’t take into account the potential gains and the new foot traffic to ensue as people enjoy being able to leisurely shop, dine, drink and move in a car-free area.

We’re seeing a lot of posts across platforms about this topic right now which is exciting and perhaps linked to the holiday season, when so many people are merging the pleasure and practicality of moving by foot while shopping for gifts or simply out enjoying the festive atmosphere of the city.

We have had inquiries about this very topic of ‘pedestrianization and local economy’ and will be assembling lists of resources and papers to reference on this and other topics.

If you are working on this theme or know of a great paper or resource on it, please feel free to get in touch.

Photo: Annika Lundkvist (Örebro, Sweden 2020)