Fall in Love with Walking


At Pedestrian Space, one of my mantras is ‘Fall in Love with Walking’.

While an explicit purpose of the mission at Pedestrian Space is to highlight barriers to walkability, it is also extremely important to me to convey the passion for walking and walkable environments that many of us share (regardless if we have access to such environments).

As long as I am doing this work, I hope to never forget and be able to convey and communicate this passion as well as to help shape awareness about the framing and understanding of the will to walk as both a right and a value.

📷 Photo by my daughter on our walk to school this morning, when my mind lit up with joy both from the ritual experience of being able to walk my kids to school as well as noticing how over time, I have more and more people I am exchanging nods and good mornings (or later in the day ‘good afternoon’s) with.

🎨 🖌 🏙 I’m on the lookout for an illustrator who can help bring alive in art the vibrance of the 5-minute neighborhood lifestyle, the experience of awakening to connectivity on the blocks (or streets) around one’s home

-Annika, Pedestrian Space