Content: Motherhood, Mobility & the City

Has the experience of parenthood or being a caregiver to a child affected your relationship with and view of the city and community you live in?

Ever since I began more regularly sharing about how becoming a mother affected both my movement within the city as well as my relationship to urban environments, my network began to steadily expand with fellow parents for whom my posts on parenthood and mobility resonated.

As these experiences and memories as a mother navigating environments with young children often gets right into issues of accessibility as well as amenities, I absolutely consider these topics to be a vital dimension in the discourse on mobility justice.

I know many people in my network have compelling reflections to share on these themes and the capacity to also connect it to disciplinary insight and expertise.

The Cities & Health special issue on ‘Walkability & Mobility Justice’ is welcoming incredibly diverse submissions including image-based essays and case studies, practitioner reflective learning and commentary pieces, scholarly commentary pieces, research papers, travelogues and more.

I am hoping to see some submissions that wrap in the experience of inhabiting and navigating the city as a parent to young children and the insights gained from those experiences as to how we can improve our urban environments and ultimately the health of all generations of inhabitants.

View the official call with the submission portal here:

Photo: With my children in Gamla Stan (Old Town), Stockholm (2018)- a city & region I approached academically as a mother, studying & documenting its many playgrounds & also my introduction to navigating aspects of walkability including using public transit on a regular basis with young children
