Call for Content on Urban Heat & Walkability

Thermal comfort to not only protect pedestrians but also to encourage pedestrian mobility is critical. 

What is the situation in your community with urban heat? How does urban heat affect the walkability of local inhabitants?

In many communities, tree canopy plays the starring role in providing such comfort.  

In many communities, ample tree canopy is also not experienced in all communities, often with more ‘marginalized’ communities having a deprivation of tree canopy and greater instances of the urban heat island effect. 

Photo: Stadsparken, Örebro (June 2021 // Annika Lundkvist)

Also, in many regions, due to ecosystem characteristics, urban ‘greening’ and tree canopy is not the solution. 

What are the solutions for providing thermal comfort for pedestrians in these places?

How does thermal comfort and natural solutions connect to the health of residents as well as other species living in the urban environment as well as the health of the environment itself?

Such questions are precisely what we welcome content on for the special issue of Cities & Health entitled: ‘Walkability & Mobility Justice: Planning for walkable, equitable & healthy communities across continents, countries & cultures’.

Read more & submit here:

Photo: Stadsparken, Örebro (June 2021 // Annika Lundkvist)

We are looking forward to a truly rich and global mix of content that offers insight as to how mobility justice for different issues (such as thermal comfort) manifests in different cultural and geographic contexts. 

Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024. 

Special Issue Partners: The Schumacher Institute & Pedestrian Space