The network of city parks

One of my obsessions is the ‘humble neighborhood park’.

I’m a huge loving fan of the ‘grand dames’ of parks- those sprawling, majestic are famous parks that are referred to at length in history books that discuss the development of a city.

Planty Park in Krakow, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

But I am just as much of a loving fan of the ‘humble neighborhood park’.

These are not destination parks.

Park Mirowski in Warsaw, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

If you go on a warm summer evening you might find it largely populated with residents from the local area and in particular elderly people, families with young children and people with disabilities that affect their mobility.

And that is exactly the point.

Park Mirowski in Warsaw, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

The humble neighborhood park is a benefit for all people in the neighborhood, but particularly people for whom that local, quality public space is a kind of refuge and outlet and a tremendous asset for mental, physical and social health.

A park in Oslo, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

Reflecting on access to quality park space during the COVID-19 pandemic was an activity I incorporated into my urban lab approach and workshops during my dissertation fieldwork in Warsaw in 2023.

I also reflect on those ‘pandemic days’ and how critical the local network of parks where I lived in Sweden at the time was for me and many other city dwellers.

It’s also interesting to reflect on people’s changed relationships with city parks through different phases of their life.

A neighborhood park in Stockholm, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

One workshop participant reflected that after becoming a mother and navigating the city with kids she got to know parks so well and had a mental map of parks developed.

A neighborhood park in Krakow, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

How is the quality and access of the network of public parks in your community?

A park in Örebro, Photo: Annika Lundkvist

📹 Visit here for Brief video clips I recorded of Park Mirowski in Warsaw a few days ago.

Enjoy more posts on city parks here

A park in Malmö, Photo: Annika Lundkvist