Talk with Anders Storgaard on politics, sustainable mobility & green conservatism

Our recent talk with Danish politician Anders Storgaard on issues of politics and sustainable mobility, green conservatism and more.

I met Anders in Paris at the EYL40 European Young Leaders Paris Seminar ‘Extremities’ a couple months ago in Paris. I valued this opportunity to have a chat with him about his perspective, as a Danish conservative, on issues of politics, ideology, sustainable mobility and more.

Looking forward to that bike ride one day Anders!


“One of the things that makes me conservative is that I believe that what I have, my country, where I come from is a gift I have from my ancestors and I have a responsibility to take care of it and give it in as good an order to my children as possible.  When that is the core of the ideology and who I am, it comes quite naturally to take care of the environment and to take care of the planet we live on.”

-Anders Storgaard, on Green Conservatism