Introducing our Saskatchewan Correspondent Dominic Tran!
In January 2022 we launched the Global Walkability Correspondents Network, as a way to build solidarity among walkability advocates around the world and continue to create media on sustainable mobility and urbanism.
We are happy to welcome Dominic as Saskatchewan Correspondent to our growing network of individuals who are passionate walkability advocates. You can also find him online at @morethantransit .
My name is Dominic Tran – an urban planning student from the Paris of the prairies – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I have a big passion for transit, walkable cities, green cities and building sustainable cities. My biggest goal of life is to travel, learn and explore about walkable cities as much as I can! I love travelling and meeting people everywhere I go!
I’m currently living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and will be representing the region. I was born and grew up in Vietnam, and livied in Germany for a while too. The community I’m in now has a lot of problems with urban design and planning, particularly car-dependency and obsolete infrastructure for transit, bikes and pedestrians.
Walkability is a human right. Walkable cities are safer for people, less polluted, and have better environmental and human health quality. Walkable cities are also prosperous and have better opportunities for individuals to escape poverty. They also provide a free chance for their citizens to practice active transportation, integrate with nature, and build strong sense of community.
I love to meet people and learn from their perspectives and their regions about walkability- what are the good things and bad things their regions have and what are some incentives to tackle those issues. I look forward to sharing blog posts and short videos promoting walkability, transit-oriented development and public space and network with other members and professionals to build a strong network of advocacy.
Dominic Tran is a transit ambassador and an undergraduate student in Regional and Urban Planning at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. He has a strong passion for public transportation, urbanism, active transportation and making cities more friendly on the human scale. He believes that the best cities are the greenest, cleanest and most walkable.
Learn more about the Global Walkability Correspondents Network here