Central European Urban Resilience Handbook for Best Practices

Last year I participated in the CEURES – Central European Urban Resiliency project, conceptualized and led by David Szebeni of the Hungarian Urban Development Association.

As a researcher with a main interest in urban resilience, it was a very practical and special experience to be able to take part in this International Visegrad Fund-funded project.

Quoted from the Handbook introduction: “In this volume, we have collected Central European best practices on urban resilience, which we believe are worth exploring in-depth. Our goal was to create a compilation of best practices that can serve as a knowledge base for every municipal government from Prague to Warsaw, through Bratislava, to Budapest. National experts from the four Visegrad countries participated in uncovering these best practices, summarizing the most important results, the most interesting innovations, and the most adaptable methods, grouped around four main topics, using a consistent set of criteria. The project seeks to find good responses to and reflect on daily challenges such as migration crisis, wartime emergencies, the pandemic, and the impacts of climate change on municipalities.”

Read the Handbook here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/386099301_Central_European_Urban_Resilience_Handbook_for_Best_Practices