Featured in magazine ‘Journey with Purpose’

Featured in Issue 2: Scorching of magazine ‘Journey with Purpose‘ (August 2022)

Photo: Randy Plemel
Photo: Randy Plemel
Photo: Randy Plemel

I really enjoyed the process of being interviewed by Randy Plemel for the ‘Journey with Purpose’ current magazine issue ‘Scorching’.

The focus of the interview is largely on the development of the Global Walkability Correspondents Network at Pedestrian Space this year.

The title of the article ‘Building the port, to launch ships‘ alludes to the metaphor I often use of Pedestrian Space as a port and working groups in the network as ships at port and sea, on journeys of collaborative learning, exchange and discovery.

Randy Plemel on LinkedIn, August 2022

You can order the issue here: https://jwp.news/product/issue-2-scorching/