Placement: MA in Film & TV student Wenjiao on sustainable mobility

In May 2024 we activated collaboration with the University of Bristol, in signing on our first two academic ‘industrial placements’ from the University’s School of Arts MA program in Film and TV.

Wenjiao is one of two students we have accepted as Industrial Placements, with Pedestrian Space providing mentorship and guidance through their placement period (May 2024- July 2024) and development of their film productions and dissertations.

Read below for words directly from Wenjiao herself on her placement and work.

-Annika, Founder at Pedestrian Space

My name is Wenjiao Zhang, I am an international student from China, currently studying Film and Television at the University of Bristol. In Bristol, my main means of travelling are by bus and walking. As an international student away from family and friends, I often travel alone around the city. Although travelling alone can be lonely at times, I have developed a special hobby as a result. In my free time, I like to get on a random bus or walk aimlessly to explore the unknown corners of the city. Each random journey feels like a little adventure and gives me the chance to discover a different side of Bristol.

Bristol, a diverse and creative city, is becoming my second home. I’ve also fallen in love with public transport and walking, both of which give me the freedom to explore and experience all aspects of the city.


Whether it’s the busy city centre, the quiet suburbs or the hidden alleyways, each of these places has its own unique story and scenery. When walking, I often find views that I can only notice if I walk slowly. For example, in the streets of Bristol, there is always creative graffiti art, which adds so much colour and energy to the city. 

In the parks, there are well-manicured flower beds and tree-lined paths everywhere. Especially in autumn, when the fallen leaves cover the pavements and the sunlight pours dappled light through the leaves, the serenity and beauty of the moment always makes me stop to admire and take photos. Every time I travelled, I would bring my camera to record those beautiful moments. 

This not only helped me to know Bristol more deeply, but also allowed me to accumulate a lot of valuable materials and inspirations, which enriched my film and television studies. During this journey of exploring on my own, I not only practised my independence, but also met some warm-hearted locals. Their friendliness and help made me feel a touch of warmth even in a foreign country.

Bristol, a diverse and creative city, is becoming my second home. I’ve also fallen in love with public transport and walking, both of which give me the freedom to explore and experience all aspects of the city.

In addition to showcasing the special beauty and significance of walking in various cultural settings, my goals as an international student from China is to encourage cross-cultural understanding and communication through the documentary and to highlight the importance of cultural exchange. 


I joined Pedestrian Space with the intention of making a 15-minute documentary exploring how walking affects health, wellbeing and urban design.

Pedestrian Space was established as a media advocacy and communication platform, featuring diverse media dedicated to helping to shape awareness about walkability as a foundational element of sustainable and resilient urbanism. Having been inspired and supported by this organisation, I decided to bring these ideas and experiences to life through the lens.

As a result, I plan to make a 15-minute documentary which aims to explore the profound impact that walking has on our health, well-being. Walking is more than just a simple mode of transport, it is an attitude to life that plays an important role in physical and mental health, community interaction and urban development.

During the filming process, I will record the landscape and human landscape of various walking areas in Bristol, from busy commercial neighbourhoods to quiet residential areas, from lively markets to quiet parks, to show the variety of experiences that walking can bring. Each walking journey will become a story under my camera, conveying the unique charm and value of walking.

Pedestrian Space was established as a media advocacy and communication platform, featuring diverse media dedicated to helping to shape awareness about walkability as a foundational element of sustainable and resilient urbanism. Having been inspired and supported by this organisation, I decided to bring these ideas and experiences to life through the lens.


Through this documentary, I hope to draw more people’s attention to walking, inspire their love of walking, and promote the improvement of the walking environment in the society. Let’s explore the beauty of walking and discover its profound impact on health, well-being and urban design. I hope this documentary will bring you new perspectives and inspirations to get out and experience walking!

My feeling of civic obligation and life experience will be expressed in this documentary. I do a lot of solo exploring around Bristol as an international student. In addition to providing me with a plethora of material and inspiration for my studies in cinema and television, this experience also helped me uncover many stories about the city’s beauty and humanity. More people should be able to enjoy the joy and allure of walking, and I intend to achieve just that by sharing these extraordinary discoveries in the documentary film.

I also know firsthand the positive effects walking can have on one’s physical and mental health, and it is my sincere desire that the video will inspire viewers to make walking a regular part of their routine. The sustainable development of cities also relies on walking, which is a low-carbon and environmentally friendly form of transportation.

In order to encourage more livable city development, I intend to illustrate and compare walking environments in various cities in the hopes of attracting the attention of the public and policymakers to the creation of walking infrastructure. In addition to showcasing the special beauty and significance of walking in various cultural settings, my goals as an international student from China is to encourage cross-cultural understanding and communication through the documentary and to highlight the importance of cultural exchange. 

My ultimate goal is for this documentary to do more than just show how great walking is; I want it to motivate people to take up walking as a cause, and alter society for the better in terms of health, the environment, and community development. 

-Wenjiao, June 2024