This month!!!
GWCN: Global Walkability Correspondents Network 1st Retreat in Warsaw, Poland: September 29 2023 – October 1 2023
Activities will include:
- •Tour of Otwarty Jazdów
- •Workshops at Dom Kultury KADR
- •Workshop on SNAILSTEP with Freyja Perez
- •Walking Edinburgh with David Hunter
- •Presentation on International Federation of Pedestrians with Mario Alves
- •’City Sound Walk’ with Trond Maag
- •Saturday Dinner Party + 2024/2025 GWCN meet-up brainstorm
- •Urban Orienteering Workshop with Raphael Mak
- •’Mordor’ Walking Lab with Annika Lundkvist, FSI, Pedestrian Space & Lepszy Służewiec to feature a tour of Diuna with Maciej Jakub Zawadzki
- •Sunday Social at Six Seasons Distillery
This is the first in-person event for GWCN: Global Walkability Correspondents Network. Are you interested in collaborating with our international collective of professionals and advocates worldwide working with and committed to advocating for walkability and walkable communities?
📨 Please get in touch for partnering for future events:
Look forward to the first GWCN event in dynamic #Warszawa and walking with retreat participants!