A slide from my guest lecture yesterday with a group of 32 Master’s students in the Sustainable Urban Design programme in the Faculty of Architecture at Lund University. Several students were from Europe but also present were students from China, Iran, India, Russia, Taiwan & other places.
The lecture was a broad overview on some select dimensions of walkability including spatial equity, toilet equity, urban resilience & green space. It was really designed as what could be the intro lecture for a semester-long workshop that would deep dive further into the themes.
Some of the feedback from students after the lecture:
“I think it is very interesting because I never thought things that were talked about in this lecture are considered important since it seems different in my hometown. I would really like to work on these qualities and elements in my future thesis to help achieve a walkable neighborhood in my hometown.”
“I love this interactive lecture. By comparing different cities in Sweden and in China, I found that I have so many things to share. I would love to join in one of the projects or surveys if there is a chance.”
“Thank you so much. I found the lecture very interesting, as it mainly focused on communication, and we learned from our experiences while trying to recall moments and spaces from our past.”
“Quite a good overview to some of the most important items of urban design and planning.”
Thank you for the opportunity Teresa!