‘…. and overhead up grew
Insuperable heights of loftiest shade
Cedar, and Pine, and Fir, and branching Palm,
A Silvan Scene, and as the ranks ascend
Shade above Shade, a woody Theatre
Of stateliest view.’
Milton, Paradise Lost, IV: 137-42
This morning I finished ‘TREES in the CITY’ by Ira Bruce Nadel and Cornelia Hahn Oberlander. Published in 1977 by Pergamon Press, this was part of HABITAT: A Series of Texts on all Aspects of Human Settlements.
The book is 94 pages, very digestible but its brevity should not be interpreted as lacking in substance. The book is dense with information and also rich with activities including Study Questions at the end of several chapters. Examples of study questions include: ‘Explain how trees act as air conditioners, noise reducers and weather protectors’, ‘What do trees contribute to city life?’ & ‘What makes it difficult for street trees to survive?’
This book definitely goes into my stack of books I would use for curriculum on sustainable urbanism.
-Annika, Founder at Pedestrian Space