The Global Walkability Correspondents Network was established in January 2022 and from its inception has been growing dynamically, with participants from cities spanning the globe.

The Network is a project of Pedestrian Space with the founder, Annika Lundkvist, and Alan Lacey Raposo serving as Network Facilitators.

Below are some basic network guidelines to support a collaborative, transcultural and international environment.

Network Guidelines

  • RESPECT FOR AN ALL-VOLUNTEER NETWORK: This is an all-volunteer network. We maintain great respect for the reality that people are engaging in network activities on their own free time.
  • EXPLORE & ENGAGE: Please take time to explore and engage with the network as there is a great deal happening. Ideas and suggestions are welcome but please take time to explore what is currently happening in the network before suggesting changes or improvements. We encourage engagement in network activities and working groups but nothing is ‘mandatory’!
  • ASK QUESTIONS: The network is full of engaging and wonderful members. Please do not hesitate to ask the Network Facilitators or fellow network participants questions.
  • EXPECTATIONS OF CORRESPONDENTS: Please feel free to discuss this with the Network Facilitator if your priorities or ability to engage changes.
  • PLATFORMS FOR THE NETWORK: LinkedIn was established as the main ‘gathering’ place for the Network as many participants are active there. The Network has a LinkedIn group page where information is regularly posted. Critical information and meeting invitations are sent via email.
  • JOINING & LEAVING WORKING GROUPS: A standard part of the Network onboarding process is letting the Network Facilitators know which groups you want to join. If you want to leave a working group, please let the group lead(s) or Network Facilitator know. It is a very easy process to leave but should be clearly stated so you can be taken off of email lists etc.
  • TOOLS & PLATFORMS- WORKING GROUPS: Working groups are free to use the tools and platforms they collectively agree on to organize their meetings and projects.
  • INVITING EXTERNAL GUESTS TO GROUP MEETINGS: Please check in with your group lead (or if you are a lead, with your group) in advance (preferably not the day of) before inviting external guests to meetings. Individual working groups can set their own guidelines for inviting guests.
  • LEAVING THE NETWORK: If you have found you simply do not have time to participate in the network or feel the network is not the right fit for you, please simply let the Network Facilitators know so we can also update email lists.
  • ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DISCRIMINATION: There is zero-tolerance in the Network for discrimination. Please let a group lead or Network Facilitator know if you are experiencing these problems. If you are not comfortable approaching a group lead or the Network Facilitator, please find a fellow network participant to help you channel this information to a Network Facilitator for resolution.

Visit the main Working Groups page here

Visit the Working Groups calendar here